Possible error with 2023 tax statements

After receiving an enquiry from an investor, it’s come to my attention that there is likely to be an error with the 2023 Annual Tax Statements.

The error relates to the incorrect (under) reporting of Total current year capital gains in item 18H. Specifically, it appears as though the Net capital gain (Item 18A) and Total current capital gains (Item 18H) were reported as the same number, whereas Item 18H should be substantially higher.

We have immediately launched an investigation and I will write again once I have answers about what has happened, and if necessary, what is needed to correct any mistake.

While I can’t provide tax advice, if you are yet to lodge your 2024 return please consider holding off until the issue has been resolved.

If you have already lodged your 2024 return, no action is required for the moment, however some corrective action may be required pending the outcome of our investigations. It would be prudent to pass on this alert to your accountant.

For the moment we have removed the 2023 Annual Tax Statements from the portal. They will be reinstated once issue has been resolved.

I apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

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