New Investor ID Requirements

Anti Money Laundering laws oblige us to ask for supporting documentation from all new investors. For further information please see Section 12 of the PDS

The type and quantity of the required ID varies depending on what type of entity is acquiring the units.

Existing Investors

Existing investors seeking to make a top up investment do not need to re-prove their ID. Instead they can use a top up application form. See: instructions for existing investors for more information.

New Investors

The ID requirements for new investors depends on the type of entity that will be acquiring the investment (see below).

Further information about how to get documents certified can be accessed here.

Individuals and Joint Individual Investors

If you are investing as an individual (ie. in your own name), or as joint individuals (ie. two or more individuals collectively), then we require from each investor, either:

a) a certified copy of their current driver's licence; or

b) a certified copy of the photo page from their current passport.


If an investment is being made in the name of a child under the age of 18, then we require the legal guardian to provide:

a) a certified copy of their current driver's licence;


b) a certified copy of their photo page from your current passport; and

c) a certified copy of the birth certificate for the minor


If an investment is being made in the name of a partnership, then we require:

a) a certified copy of the partnership agreement (or extract from the partnership agreement) that confirms the full legal name of the partnership; and

b) for one of the partners, a certified copy of their current driver's licence or current passport that confirms their name and date of birth.


If an investment is being made in the name of a company then the only information we require is the company's ACN.

We can locate the required information from the ASIC database and certify it here in the office.

Trusts (including Self Managed Super Funds)

If an investment is being made in the name of a Trustee on behalf of a trust (including a self managed superannuation fund), then the following information is required from the trusts’ Trust Deed:

a) the title/cover page of the Trust Deed;

b) the schedule page with particulars of the trust and

c) the execution/signature page of the Trust Deed.


d) i) if there are individuals acting as trustees, a certified copy of a current driver’s licence or current passport that confirms the name and date of birth of the ALL named trustees in the form;


e) ii) if there is a company acting as trustee, a certified copy of the company’s Certificate of Registration issued by ASIC.


If an association is investing, we require:

a) a certified copy of the constitution, articles or rules of the association (or an extract from one of these documents) that confirms the full legal name of the association; and

b) a certified copy of an official certificate or notice that confirms any official identification number issued to the association; and

c) for the secretary (or equivalent) of the association, a certified copy of their current driver's licence or current passport that confirms their name and date of birth.


Where the documents are required to be certified, please take the original document and a good quality copy to a person qualified to certify documents (see list below).

The certifier must include the statement 'I certify that this is a true copy of the original document' (or similar wording) and must be signed and dated by an eligible certifier. The certifier must state their qualification or occupation that makes them eligible. Please note, we require the original copy that was actually signed by the certifier.

Who can certify copies of documents?

Eligible certifiers include:

  • pharmacists;
  • lawyers;
  • certified practising or chartered accountants with more than two years of membership;
  • justices of the peace;
  • police officers;
  • public notaries;
  • Australia Post employees with more than two years of experience;
  • officers of financial institutions with more than two years of experience; and
  • officers of Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) holders with more than two years of experience - this may include your financial adviser.

The Responsible Entity will not accept documents that have been self-certified.

General Advice Warning: This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement (dated 4 July 2018) issued by Plantation Capital Limited ACN 133 678 029 AFSL 339481 in deciding whether to acquire an interest in the Passive Income (USA Commercial Property) Fund. Pty Ltd is an authorised representative of Plantation Capital Limited ABN 98 096 059 353, AFSL 339481. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.