Existing Investors Top Up Instructions
Please note that the Fund is presently closed and not taking new or top up applications. You can however download the PDS and review it ahead of the Fund reopening at a later date.
Instructions For Top Up Investments
These instructions are only relevant for investors seeking to make an additional (i.e. top up) investment in the same name as was used in a previous application for units in the Passive Income (US Commercial Property) Fund (the Fund).
If you are new investor (i.e. have not previously invested with the Fund, or have invested in the Fund but want to make a new investment in the name of a new entity), then please refer to the New Investor Instructions.
Step 1: Download & Read The PDS
All top up applicants need to read and understand the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) (dated 4 July 2018) and the latest disclosures and updates published on this website.
The PDS and top up application form are all available for download now by clicking the links below:
Download the PDS Here / View the PDS Online
Download the Additional Investment Form Here
If you have any questions as you read through the PDS then please search the FAQs database, call the office on (03) 8592 0270 during business hours, or talk to your investment adviser.
Step 2: Identify & Complete The Application Form
Towards the end of the PDS you’ll find the top up application form that must be completed. As you are an existing investor, there is no need to prove your identity again, which means you gain the convenience of using a shorter application form.
Please ensure that the top up form you submit mentions the PDS dated 4th July 2018 in Section 4 Declaration & Signatures. Earlier forms that do not reference this date cannot be accepted.
Need More Help?
If you need help then please either call the office during business hours on (03) 8592 0270, or else send a support query email to admin@passiveincomefund.com