$75m cap clarified

This week we achieved the important milestone of reaching our $75m cap in unit holder funds. Ordinarily this would mean that we would now be closed to all new and top up applications, and that we would suspend the distribution reinvestment option. However, in consultation with our legal advisers, the Board received clarification that the…

$11.51m Refinance Completed

I’m pleased to confirm that Ozinus Realty, LLC – the US real estate investment trust owned by the Fund – has successfully completed a US$11.51m refinance. The term of the non-recourse loan is 10 years with monthly fixed interest payments at 5.145% pa. The proceeds from the refinance will be used to acquire more real…

FAQs Updated & Expanded

Our FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section has just been updated and expanded to include much more information and detailed answers to all the common issues we’re asked. Be sure to check it out.

6m Raised In February

February was a bumper month for new and top up applications. After reopening the Fund on 1 Feb we received over $6m in new capital. There is now approx $13m of capital available available until we reach the $75m limit (as mentioned in the Product Disclosure Statement).

10% Contribution Fee Discount Ends This Friday

Don’t forget that the 10% contribution fee discount ends at 5pm (Melbourne time) this Friday (27th Feb). If you are planning to make a new or top up investment in February but haven’t yet done so then act now, while you can. Here’s what to do: Register to receive the Investor Information Pack (SPDS, PDS,…

Fund Now Reopen To New & Top Up Investments

The Passive Income (USA Commercial Property) Fund is now open to new and top up applications. All investors who submit a completed application form before 5pm on the 27th February will receive a 10% discount off the normal contribution fee. Furthermore, all completed applications received in the first 20 calendar days will receive 6% pa…

General Advice Warning: This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement (dated 4 July 2018) issued by Plantation Capital Limited ACN 133 678 029 AFSL 339481 in deciding whether to acquire an interest in the Passive Income (USA Commercial Property) Fund. PropertyInvesting.com Pty Ltd is an authorised representative of Plantation Capital Limited ABN 98 096 059 353, AFSL 339481. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.