Change of Custodian

PCL as the Responsible Entity of the Passive Income (USA Commercial Property) Fund recently reviewed the custodian services offered to the Fund and decided that it was in the best interests of all unit holders to transition to a newly appointed custodian. Accordingly, the PDS dated 4 July 2018 has been amended by changing the…

Office Move

Plantation Capital Limited has moved offices and the new contact details are as follows: Postal address Plantation Capital Limited PO Box 532 CANTERBURY VIC 3126 Office address Plantation Capital Limited Ground Floor, Suite 1 210 Canterbury Rd CANTERBURY VIC 3126 Phone & Fax T: (03) 8592 0270 F: (03) 8592 0276 Email address  

Change Of Auditors

In an effort to deliver better efficiencies the Board has decided to change auditors to audit our US and Australian operations. The transition from the Outgoing to the Incoming Auditor is well under way and it is a requirement that we formally notify you that the existing auditor has voluntarily resigned, and that we have…

Redemption Update

The 2018 redemption period closed at 5pm on 28th September 2018. The redemption requests that we received have now been tallied, and the results are as follows: # Full redemptions: 47 # Partial redemptions: 13 # Units requested for redemption: 2,766,193 Redemption unit price: $1.4195 Value of units redeemed: $3,926,610.98 Although the final redemption sum…

Annual Redemption Offer – 2018

Please note that our annual voluntary redemption offer will open on 1 September 2018 and will remain so until 5.00 pm on 28 September 2018. A letter explaining more information about the redemption process can be found in here. Please take the time to read it and act accordingly. The Offer will be funded with…

Fund Now Open

Having recently increased its maximum capital base, the Fund has now re-opened to new and top up investments. The amount of capital available for subscription is $5m, however to assist investors with their planning, all completed applications received before 5pm on 31st July 2018 will be honoured. To ensure you don’t miss out you are…

General Advice Warning: This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement (dated 4 July 2018) issued by Plantation Capital Limited ACN 133 678 029 AFSL 339481 in deciding whether to acquire an interest in the Passive Income (USA Commercial Property) Fund. Pty Ltd is an authorised representative of Plantation Capital Limited ABN 98 096 059 353, AFSL 339481. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.